Checking In and Looking Forward

Greetings, everyone. You haven’t heard from me lately, but I just wanted to assert that I am still around and still “feisty” (to use a standard adjective applied by the media to President Biden when he doesn’t conform to the stereotypes about senior citizens). I’m also still teaching in Cambodia, and things have been rather hectic lately, so I haven’t written much. But I want to assure you that meaty discussions are forthcoming.

In the days ahead, we’ll be discussing the book Responding to the Right by Nathan J. Robinson. We’ll be examining the problem of news overload, and whether it’s a good idea to abstain from news altogether. We’ll be examining the question of whether we actually choose our beliefs, or they choose us. We’ll be dissecting the concept of “identity politics”. And we’ll look at another in the series of “propaganda props” that we spotlight periodically. Plus, there are certain to be some pieces as yet unplanned to address unexpected developments.

I’m looking forward to it, and I hope you are too. Stay tuned!


  1. Great, I really look forward to your new comments. In this day and age, many things need to be put in perspective!

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